Students at Primary 4th Grade have been studying the Planets and the Solar System in our Geography Project. They have learnt about some important features of the planets, our star, our moon and others planets' moons or satellites. Our learners have found out important new features of our planet and have explored our solar system. Then, after reading new information, watching a video, listenings, and having a class discussion at the end of this process, we took advantage of the thinking routine:
I Used to think..., now I think... A routine for students to identify how their thinking has changed over time.
This routine helps students to reflect on their thinking about this topic or issue: "the solar system" and explore how and why that thinking has changed. The purpose of this activity is to help them reflect on what they have learnt about the planets and to identify how their ideas have changed after studying them.
On their Blogs, you can find what they have learnt and what new information they have discovered and how their thinking has changed about this topic.

More about Thinking routines:
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