Friday, 6 December 2019

Duolingo for Schools created for Educators

Duolingo is the world's largest online language learning platform. Duolingo for Schools is a platform created exclusively for educators, allowing them to access and keep track of each learner’s Duolingo progress.
I've been using this amazing tool for our students in order to brush up and keep up their English language for over three years with encouraging results.
Duolingo turns language learning into a game to make it more fun and ef­ective. Students can learn languages for free while earning points for correct answers, racing against the clock, and leveling up. 

With this aim our student "play and learn" with this app that runs on every device, from smartphones to desktop computers (browsers Chrome, Firefox ...), including Android tablets, Chromebooks and Ipads.

Duolingo for Schools allows teachers to track their students’ language learning in one place and gives them special access to parental controls and Duolingo activities designed specifically for the classroom. Teachers can also activate classroom-exclusive lessons specially tailored for students, based on the average student level of that class.

Always learning !!!!!

Wednesday, 27 November 2019

Thanksgiving Activities for Young Learners

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Thanksgiving is a popular holiday in the USA and Canada. It can be an interesting class for the students to do some ESL Thanksgiving activities to share a little bit of what this holiday means to you.
Image result for thanksgiving turkey clipart`
The Turkey
Thanksgiving Day celebration will be incomplete without the legendary turkey. The Pilgrims used to call any wildfowl, turkey. The turkey is usually the main course of the most household during this celebration. It is a customary dinner which serves as a reminder of the four wild turkeys that were served at the first Thanksgiving feast.
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The Cornucopia
The Cornucopia s a symbol of nature's productivity. It is the "horn of plenty" and is the most common symbol of a harvest festival. It is a horn-shaped container or basket that is filled with the abundance of harvest. The traditional cornucopia was a curved goat's horn.

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The Pumpkin
Another symbol of the modern Thanksgiving dinner is the pumpkin pie. The pumpkin is one of the most important symbols of the harvest festival and is an American favourite.
Image result for thanksgiving Cranberries clipart
Cranberries are a kind of berry. Its name originated from crane berry because of its pink blossoms and drooping head which reminded the Pilgrims of the crane. The Pilgrims found out how to sweeten the bitter cranberries with maple sugar. The cranberry sauce was and is still used as a companion of turkey during Thanksgiving dinner.

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Native Americans taught the Pilgrims to grow beans next to cornstalks. The was so that the beans could use the cornstalks as their pole as they grow, hence American beans are also known as Pole beans. Beans are therefore a special symbol of thanksgiving feast.

ESL Thanksgiving Worksheets

Are you looking for some Thanksgiving ESL worksheets that you can use with your students? Here are some of our go-to source that you’ll want to check out:

Thanksgiving ESL Lesson Plans

If you’re looking for a complete ESL Thanksgiving Lesson, then these games and activities probably aren’t what you need. Instead, you’ll want to check out these free, downloadable lesson plans for children.

ESL Thanksgiving Story

Do you want a simple thanksgiving story that’s suitable for ESL students? Here are a couple of our favourite resources:
ISL Collective  (Beginners-Intermediate)
ThoughtCo (Advanced)

Online Thanksgiving Games for Elementary Students

Do you want to try out these fun online Thanksgiving games? They’re perfect for kids. Check out our top picks:

Thursday, 31 October 2019


Halloween - definitions, an interactive worksheet by mada_1

Click to open full screen
Halloween - crossword, an interactive worksheet by mada_1

Tuesday, 8 October 2019

What is the difference between THEY'RE, THEIR and THERE

TheirThey're and There sound the same in English. Words that sound the same are called homophones. (identical pronunciation, but have different meanings)

We look at the meaning of THEY'RE including: - They're + adjective - They're + verb-ing - They're + plural noun We look at the meaning of THEIR including its use as a possessive adjective before a noun - Their + noun We look at the meaning of THERE including: - There as the opposite of here. - There is and There are

Grammar Worksheet
Their / There / They're
Choose the best words to complete the sentences.

With Answer Key on Page 2

Level: Beginner to Elementary

Time: Approx 15 minutes.

Wednesday, 24 April 2019

A2 Flyers - Exam information

A2 Flyers is the third of three Cambridge English Qualifications designed for young learners. These tests introduce children to everyday written and spoken English and are an excellent way for them to gain confidence and improve their English.

Test format

A2 Flyers is made up of three papers developed to encourage and motivate young learners. You can see exactly what’s in each paper below. 
(about 25 minutes) 
5 parts/ 25 questions a maximum of five shields 
Reading and Writing
(40 minutes) 
7 parts/ 44 questions 
a maximum of five shields
(7–9 minutes) 
4 partsa maximum of five shields

At a glance

Word List and Word List Picture Book

The colourful A2 Flyers Word List Picture Book has many of the words children have to learn for the A2 Flyers test. 
The A2 Flyers classroom activities book will help children get better at English and learn new words. 

Download the A2 Flyers classroom activities book
The A2 Flyers progress charts for students and teachers will help motivate learners. 

Download the A2 Flyers progress charts

Speaking test videos with examiners' commentary

This video will help your students understand what happens during a speaking test. You can also download examiner comments for each video.

Free: Paper-based sample test

You can download the Listening sample tests from the introduction page of the sample papers.